I'd like to introduce you to Julie. Julie Nesbitt is a market savvy Realtor that works hard every day in and around 22204 in Arlington, Virginia.
5565 Columbia Pike #412 is just listed and looks like a good buy in many ways. But it's not important to me that my client buy this property, or any particular $275,000 condo in Arlington, Virginia. Rather, it's more important to me that I do what's right for my client.
Let's hesitate to study your desires so that you can realistically learn whether buying a 1-bedroom condominium in Arlington is for you. There are many factors to consider. Your home purchase is your opportunity to find that one unique property for you. But to get what you want, you need to know what you want.
- Maybe you should rent? Do you like to live in a neighborhood with a lot rentals? Do you prefer to live in a neighborhood with few rentals? Currently for rent at Columbia Condo
- How much can you afford? Does your budget have any room to move up or down?
- How many bedrooms do you need? 5565 Columbia Pike #412 is a 1-bedroom other.
- How important is it that you stay in 22204? Have you considered neighboring areas?
- Do you have specific paint colors? Or, do you want to paint and pick your own colors?
Julie is in no hurry to get the job done. At the same time, I don't want you to wait a minute longer than needed to reach your real estate goals.
To speak with a real estate professional who is concerned about your requirements, call us at (703) 765-0300.
We are grateful for the chance to assist you with your real estate needs.
How Much Do Similarly-Sized Condos Cost In Arlington?
Ownership Condominium
Similarly Priced
To speak with a real estate professional who is concerned about your requirements, call us at (703) 765-0300.